There’s a common misconception out there that once a website is up and running, you can check “marketing” off your to-do list and start frying your next fish. It would be nice if we lived in a magical land where all you had to do to get all the traffic, leads and customers you could possibly handle was spring for an incredible new website.
But like anything worth it here in the real world, actual results take time, talent and resources – and putting in the work to ensure people can even find your shiny new website at all is no different. Here are some big-ticket considerations to help drive traffic to your new website.
We know we’re a broken record with this one, but all marketing efforts should be grounded in research and planning. If you don’t put the work in on the front end, it wastes so much time and effort. Consult with key stakeholders to define why you’re talking, who you’re talking to, what you’re going to say and where you’re going to say it. When putting together your strategy, ask yourself:
- Who are my primary and secondary target audiences?
- What problems are they trying to solve and what can I uniquely offer to help?
- In what spaces are my prospects already active?
- What guidelines or content pillars will drive my messaging?
- What types of content will resonate with my audience (blog posts, videos, ebooks, checklists, infographics, case studies, podcasts, templates, etc.)?
Every word associated with your brand should be intentional. This is true of everything from web copy to alt image text in an email. You are never done creating content – it is something you do at every stage of the website lifecycle. When working on your content, consider the following:
- Search engine optimization (SEO) is your BFF when it comes to driving traffic to your website; always be mindful of what your audience is searching for.
- While there is generally a happy hybrid, if you must choose between a witty headline and one that is chock-full of relevant keywords, choose the latter every time (after all, no one will read your brilliantly witty copy if they never find it).
- Before a site is launched, have at least a handful of killer pieces of content raring to go when your website goes live.
- Start an editorial calendar to plan your content for maximum impact.
Once you’ve created your amazing content, the world is your oyster! There are so many ways to get that content seen. While it is tempting to just firehose all your content everywhere and see what sticks, show restraint and start small. Choose a couple mediums and put the time in to make them effective. You’re better off rocking a few channels than being everywhere poorly. While this is just the tip of the iceberg, here are a few considerations to get you started:
- Social media: No matter which platform (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.), get more mileage out of your content by planning multiple unique posts for each piece. This space is also evergreen friendly – recycle older, relevant content regularly and your social editorial calendar will never be bare.
- Email: Send your content out to your opt-in newsletter lists. Don’t have one? Work it into the strategy, create a call to action, link it to a contact form and make it happen.
To stay competitive in any game, you must train, leave it all on the field and then watch game tape to do better next time. Digital marketing is no different and is far from a one and done endeavor. To continually drive traffic to your website, you must set yourself up for success through sustained strategy, execution, analysis and improvements.
Sound overwhelming or just don’t have the time to do it right? A creative partner can help…put us in coach!