True confessions time. Have you ever questioned if investing time and money in a website is worth it – or if your business really even needs one at all? Spoiler alert: The answer is yes on both accounts. Your business does need a website, and not just because it’s 2020. If you want to see results that positively affect your bottom line, (because that’s what business is all about, amiright?) then launching a stellar website as part of a comprehensive marketing strategy is a 100% can’t-live-without-it tactic.
Here are four reasons that a successful website supports business growth.
- It tells a story. No matter the industry, there is a story to tell that makes you stand out in your field. Your website provides the most accessible and thorough vehicle to tell the world who you are and the amazing things your business is capable of. Storytelling humanizes your brand and creates a connection with your audience.
- It positions the business as an authority. You are good at what you do, and your website should clearly convey what makes you better at it than anyone else. A successful digital strategy puts that expertise and experience to work by creating and publishing content that establishes credibility, such as white papers, success stories, thought leadership pieces and free resources.
- It drives action. A results-driven website is so much more than just a beautiful (and expensive) digital brochure. Each piece of content should not only be informative but intentional, equipping the reader to take a next step or learn more, no matter where they are on the site.
- It generates leads. This is the big kahuna. All of the above work together to grow your business and support revenue growth. A Google-commissioned study by Deloitte found that when compared to less digitally-focused businesses, those who embrace digital strategy earned four times the revenue growth and had an average employment growth rate that was six times higher.
There is one big ‘ol caveat to all of this – a website won’t get results if it isn’t rooted in strategy and planning. If you want to impact your business, you need to know where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. You must identify goals and objectives, and have a clearly defined understanding of your audience (just short of how they take their coffee).
To maximize results, these elements should form the foundation of all marketing tactics, including your website strategy. Otherwise, you can shout as loudly as you like, but no one will hear you. If you’re not sure where to start this process, we might know a creative partner that can help (wink wink).