Want a New Website? Here’s What You Should Do Next.

You’ve decided it’s finally time to get your website redesigned. Or maybe you’re starting from scratch.

And because you’re a smartypants, you’ve also made the wise decision to find a partner to help you out. Now, before you complete that web form or make that call, here’s a few things to think about and be ready to discuss:

#1 – What are your goals?

Take time to really think about what the main goal of your website will be. Doing this will help guide every decision you’ll need to make going forward. When your designer asks about a blog, gallery, or other type of functionality, you’ll have that goal in mind. Does a blog help you achieve your goal? Yes – do it. No? Move on.

Take time to really think about what the main goal of your website will be. Share on X

Same goes for the specific actions you want your customers to take as soon as they land on your site. Do you want them to sign up for your email list or make a purchase? Your designer needs to know this so that she can design an experience that encourages the user to complete the desired action.

#2 – Understand your budget.

Not just what you have to spend on the site today, but try to imagine what the site of your dreams means to you in terms of revenue. Are you launching an eCommerce site that will open up a new revenue stream for your business? Or are you looking to launch a hobby blog?

Try to imagine what the site of your dreams means to you in terms of revenue. Share on X

Try to imagine what the site of your dreams means to you in terms of revenue.

Knowing your budget and the expected revenue a website will bring in will help guide the investment you’re willing to make – and the type of designer you need to work with.

#3 – Map out your timeline…and your own schedule.

The design process takes time, and it’s important that you give it that time so you end up with a site you’ll be pleased with for the next 2-5 years.

You’ll also want to have a good understanding of your own availability during the process. You’re an important part of your website, so your perspective, input, and review will be needed throughout the process. Make sure you’re starting your web design project when you have the time to give, so you get the most out of your investment.

#4 – Find some favorites.

Now the fun part! Create a Pinterest board and start searching. Pin sites that appeal to you – whether in whole or specific design elements and share them with your designer. Be sure to make a note of exactly what you like (or don’t like) about each pin.

Now’s the Time!

Carefully considering these elements will help ensure a more successful and smooth web redesign process. Now it’s time! Go ahead and complete that web form!