Is it Time to Rethink Your Website?

In a lot of ways, the web is as diverse as many neighborhoods. Some homes look really good, and others that are, ah how do realtors put it…”Awaiting your finishing touches?”

Unfortunately, the updates we make to our web properties don’t last nearly as long as that fancy, new dream kitchen. No, the average life a web design is somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 – 5 years. If you do it right.

So, how do you know if it’s time to redesign?

It’s been awhile.

If you can’t remember the last time your site looked different, then it’s probably time to switch things up. If it’s not responsive, has beveled buttons or features Comic Sans or Verdana headlines, it’s DEFINITELY time for a change.

You’re feeling limited.

Email marketing systems, CRMs, and marketing automation platforms are just a few tools that need to connect seamlessly with your website in order to increase efficiencies in your business and the effectiveness of your marketing.

If your current site is lacking functionality that causes lengthy manual processes (like responding to customer service issues or new sales opportunities), then it’s time for a change. There’s a better way, y’all!

Your business is changing.

If you’re growing into a new market, launching a new product or service, or taking a new strategic direction, make sure your website is reflective of that. For many businesses, our website is the first impression our audience has of our brand and what we have to offer. A shiny new site is a great way to start off on the right foot.

Our website is the first impression of our brand and what we have to offer. Share on X

It’s time for a change – now what?

Site redesigns are big projects, but they don’t have to be scary or overwhelming. In fact, they can be a great way to stretch and grow your team by finding the right creative partner to manage it all. If you think you’re ready for a site redesign, give us a shout!