Our Fave Five: What We’re Reading This Week

It can be tough to keep up with all of the great marketing and creative content out there, so this week we’re sharing a few of our favorite articles from around the www.

#1) Seth Godin: Everyone is better than you are…

Seth Godin has a way of pouring truth into tiny phrases and sentences. We love this short, sweet perspective on the importance of connecting with others and understanding our own value.

#2) Inc: Why Introverts Are Better at Sales Than Extroverts

A great read from Inc on how technology and time has changed the concept of selling, and the characteristics we need to be successful now. Whether you’re naturally more introverted or extroverted, this one will make you think a little more about your sales process.

#3) Buffer: Facebook Ad Specs and Image Sizes – Updated for 2017

It’s a new year, so naturally Facebook needs to change EVERYTHING. Well, not everything, but this is a great summary from Buffer on all of the specs and sizes you need to know if you’re advertising on Facebook. It also defines some of Facebook’s ad types, objectives and placements. Bookmark it!

#4) Copyblogger: How to Attract Your Ideal Customer with Perfectly Positioned Content

Copyblogger shares the first step of their 3-part content marketing strategy by diving into the “who” and your core values, and why it’s crucially important to define those things if you want to truly gain a following of ideal customers.

#5) Raven’s Aussie Instagram!

Not quite an article, but Raven has made the (gigantic) jump to Australia and is posting Kangaroo and Kiddo-filled pics on Instagram. Keep up with these #aussiesforawhile – and see what Texas-made delicacy they found in an Aussie grocery store!